Positive-review momentum

Posted by Matt Kuhns on Apr 28, 2013

Just over a week after the encouraging judgement of the San Francisco Book Review, I have another good review to add to the list.

Reviewer, writer and mystery fan Renee Shelton has considered Brilliant Deduction, and found it to her liking.

[The careers of detectives profiled in Brilliant Deduction] span nearly two centuries, and it is fascinating to learn about how they went about their work, and why solving crimes became so vital to them. … They are as interesting as any fictional character you will read about. Knowing these individuals made the history books and inspired others makes them even more engaging.

A great read, for both mystery and history buffs as Brilliant Deduction combines the two.

This is almost getting to be too much. I’m really not accustomed to this type of public accolade. “Baby, who knew?—even good things take some gettin’ used to.”

Meanwhile, as the reviews are at last issuing (and a few kind people are even buying the book, too), it almost feels like I might be approaching just a little of that invaluable momentum. At all events it may not be a bad time to note that you can help me out, dear reader; leaving comments or reviews, recommending my book, reading it in public, etc., etc., all mean a lot! Many, many thanks!

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